37 Weeks & Full Term!

We made it!!! Can't believe baby girl will be here any day now!! Still waiting on her book case, slip cover for her glider/rocking chair and one more decor accessory for her nursery but other than that her room is done! I have pulled out all of the other necessities and have them ready for her to come home to. Now we're just waiting for her arrival :)
I have a doctors appointment on Monday so we'll see if there is any progression then. In the meantime there are still a ton of Braxton Hicks and a fair amount of actual contractions that don't lead to anything exciting :/ I have had a lot of energy and have been getting a lot done around the house. My OCD is thanking me!

How far along? 37 Weeks 1 Day

Weight gain: 15 lbs

Sleep: Still not sleeping very well. Between getting up to use the restroom and just not being comfortable there is not much sleep going on.

Maternity clothes: Yes, for now... but not for long!!

Best moment this week: Christmas!! I can't even begin to explain how much fun it is to have a toddler during the Holidays. I had so much fun watching Landon open his presents and getting so excited over all of his new toys. Can't wait until next year!

Movement: Yes! But she has definitely slowed down...

Food cravings: Still a hot cocoa with TONS of marshmallows every night but thats about it :)

Anything making you queasy of sick: Nope! Heartburn is gone and have been feeling great!

Labor signs: Lots of Braxton Hicks and there have been stretches of actual contractions but nothing that leads to anything exciting. I have a doctors appointment on Monday so we'll see where I am at then :)

Stretch marks: Still haven't seen one! I love my Mustela!

Belly button: Not an innie and not an outie...

Happy or Moody: Happy! Can't wait to meet our sweet girl and introduce her to all of our family and friends!

Looking forward to: Having all the Christmas stuff packed up and the house perfectly clean before baby girl gets here :)

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