(disclosure1 - I took the picture at the 12 week mark but am a day shy of 14 weeks ;))
(disclosure2 - I know there is no chance of me doing these boards every week this time around but will do my best to do them as often as I can)
How far along? 12 Weeks
Weight gain: 0 lbs
Sleep: For the most part sleeping good! Occasionally getting up to pee but not all the time anymore :)
Maternity clothes: Not yet, but I am guessing I will be in them soon! I made no real effort into getting back in shape after having Odessa 9 months ago so my abs aren't the strongest. Betting a good bump makes its debut soon!
Best Moment This Week: Sharing the news that we are expecting!
Miss Anything? Cocktails, a good glass of wine. And fall weather... we are apparently in an endless summer in California.
Movement: Too soon
Food Cravings: The craving this time around are crazy! Lately its PB&J with cheetos smashed in the middle.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? I have not felt great during this pregnancy but it is definitely better than Odessa pregnancy. I am on Diclegis and that is actually helping. Haven't had to add any other the other nausea meds which is great!
Gender: Don't know just yet... Hubs does't want to know until the baby is here. I have no patience for anything so I want to know if it's pink or blue yesterday. I think we'll find out soon though :)
Labor Signs: Nothing :)
Belly Button In or Out? In
Happy or Moody? Happy but oh. so. tired. Pregs with a 3 year old and an almost 9 month old is no joke!
Looking forward too: Everything! Enjoying the fall festivities with my family and everything that this time of year brings!
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