Catching up...

Well it is here!! I woke up this morning, ran down stairs and put on College Game Day! Finally, a football season that I can wake up and start my day with a Bloody Mary, prep a delicious meal that will cook all day, while watching game after game. I almost forgot how much I loved this season. Although I know it is not officially here (the date and the weather remind me), I am soooooo beyond happy that fall just about here! To know the holidays are right around the corner makes me the happiest! I can't wait to dress these littles up for Halloween (I may or may not have already purchased their Halloween jammies!) and of course can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Landon is back in school and loving it. He is so excited to go to school and is learning so much - most impressive to me is his Spanish. Everyday when he wakes up he asks if it's a "school day" and basically counts down the hours till it is one.

Odessa is doing great! We are about to start a toddler tumbling class as this girl loves to flip, jump and everything else that makes my heart skip a beat. I am finally feeling like taking on all these different schedules won't be so bad. William isn't nursing every five minutes anymore which makes getting out so much easier. He's pretty happy hanging out in the stroller watching the world go by and never complains when I wear him.

I'm feeling pretty confident in this "family of five" gig lately. There are definitely days that are harder than others but I love this little family of mine!

Bring on the cold weather, sweater & boots, yummy cooking and cocktails!

Miss O is 18 Months

Last but not least, in that one week that all my kids hit milestones, my sweet little girl turned 18 months.

I could go on forever about this little girl. She is at the age where you really really get to know what kind of personality they're going to have. This little girl is stubborn as all get out (no idea where she gets that from). She is set in her ways and there is no persuading her otherwise, except for maybe with food. She is becoming a total girly girl. She LOVES accessories. Bows, sunglasses and necklaces. As I write this I am thinking I need to get this girl a purse! She is beyond sweet when she wants to be. Kisses, hugs, cuddling and being so attentive to her brothers. She is the first to point something out if it is out of the norm. A door left open, a cupboard left unlocked is ran too followed by many "oh-oh's!" She is letting go of me more and more. I am so grateful for this as it truly makes my life easier but I honestly miss being her person and not just her person, but her only person. She loves her daddy! He leaves for work while she is still sleeping and when we go back into our room she goes to his side of the bed and says "dada?" She's also really good about going around the house and finding things that belong to her daddy then brings them to me screaming "daddddyyyyyy!" She adores both of her brothers. Landon is truly her best friend. I swear watching the two of them play together melts this mama's heart into a bazillion little pieces. She loves holding her baby brother. She'll climb up onto the couch and make noises and pat her lap until you give her the baby. I love watching her grow and explore. And just like every other time I sit and write anything, I'll say it again, but time is just going by way to damn fast.

William is Three Months!

As time continues to pass on by I wanted to share some sweet pics of this sweet little boy. The last three months have been so much fun as a family of FIVE!! So crazy!! I feel like we have found our new normal, I am still tired as all get out but we're figuring it out. So as William isn't quite sleeping through the night he is usually only waking up once - and if I'm lucky I can fall back asleep for a little while before the big kids wake up.
He is beyond ticklish! You touch him and he pretty much laughs. He's a happy little guy and doesn't complain much. He is wearing nine month clothes and everyone is shocked when I tell them he is only three(ish) months. He has a four month well check next week and if its anything like his last Drs appointment he'll be in the 90th percentiles.

Landon Turns Four

Wait. What? How is my baby, the one that made me a mommy, FOUR?!?! Can I just take a minute (or ten) and cry right now?? I'm not going to even say that time flys anymore because it doesn't just fly... it goes by at a warp speed that is just too fast for this mamas heart.
Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on too much, not doing enough with my kids. There are days where I CAN NOT WAIT until its bedtime. But then as I crawl into my bed I feel like we didn't do enough that day. I should have taken them "there", or spent more time doing "that." There are so many days that push me to my limits. But it's pretty amazing how a few sweet moments, like an out of no where "I love you mom" or a "thank you for making dinner mom" seem to make all those hard moments disappear and recharge you for what's next. It's hard to describe the whole motherhood gig without sounding bipolar or something. But it's magical and I think I'm starting to get it.

Okay okay enough about how I'm dealing with it all... now to catch you up on this little dude!

He is four! He can push every button I have but then will come give me a random hug when I need it the most, and somehow he knows when that is. He is ridiculously smart. He knows quite a bit of spanish - he'll just randomly count to 20 and listening to a four year old say "uno, dos, tres," ect might be the cutest thing ever! He loves books and loves to "read." He loves projects. He loves to build things, solve things. His imagination is sublime. He loves Blaze (hence the theme of his Birthday Party) and Paw Patrol. He recently started loving the pool. He always wants to help - with everything. And probably my most favorite thing about him is what a good brother he is. He loves his brother and sister. His relationship with Odessa is probably the most precious thing I could have ever dreamed of. Sure they have their squabbles, issues with sharing, ect. But when it comes down to watching over her, protecting her from the "big kids" on the playground - he is right there by her side. Watching the bond those two share might be my favorite thing about motherhood so far.

A Vintage Baseball Themed Baby Shower

This weekend my mother-in-law threw me the cutest "Vintage Baseball Themed" baby shower brunch. It was very small and intimate and it was oh so special. We met at this adorable nursery that also has a cafe (with some of the yummiest food EVER!) and noshed on a delicious brunch. I was surprised with a touching-as-all-get-out book that included a letter or acronym of baby boys name from each of the women in my family. So incredibly special! And the cake was beyond cute!! and D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!

I can't believe we are just a few short weeks away from meeting our little guy. Still so much to do, pretty much everything! But hoping to get a lot of it done this week. I guess I'm still waiting on that burst of energy and my other two littles to lose some of theirs ;)