Seriously?? 36 Weeks?? I am not sure how we got here so fast?!
All has been crazy but all has been good! I had an amazing time at my baby shower and felt so much love for our sweet girl! I have been busy working in her nursery getting everything organized. All of her clothes have been washed and put away. I am waiting on a couple of things (bookcase, a slipcover for the chair and a few decor items) but other than that the nursery is done and is oh so INCREDIBLY sweet! I feel like I am pretty prepared but I'm sure there will be things we'll need. Landon is very excited! He loves spending time in his baby sisters room :) it melts me!!!
I have been feeling pretty good. Lots of energy in the morning but that slowly diminishes throughout the day, by 3-4:00 I'm done! Still have terrible restless legs and am waking up with unbearable leg cramps! Absolutely insane!!! At least the end is near!
How far along? 36 Weeks
Weight gain: 14 lbs (beyond weird and amazing all at the same time)
Sleep: Nope. Peeing every hour to hour and a half, restless legs = no sleep :(
Maternity clothes: Yes, of course.
Best moment this week: We went and took one last peek at our baby. It is so amazing to watch how much they change in gestation! Also doing all of her laundry. For some reason when I pull a bunch of sweet pastel clothes and blankets out of the dryer, folding and putting them away isn't that bad! Oh and a maternity shoot! I am in LOVE with all of the pics!
Movement: Yes!! This girl still moves a BUNCH!! And has some bizarre positions she likes to hang out in... like a leg coming out the side of my stomach.
Food cravings: Nothing really... still have hot cocoa with a bunch of marshmallows on it every night though :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? I've actually been feeling pretty good. No more heartburn so that has been nice!
Labor signs: Yes, at 35 weeks I was still completely closed. On Wednesday, 36ish weeks baby has dropped and I am dilated to 2cm. I have been having contractions but they are not regular. Although often, they are not painful - wouldn't call them comfortable but definitely not painful. Doctor is certain I won't make it to my due date but doesn't think she'll be here in the next few days either. We'll see!
Stretch marks: Not a one!
Belly button: Not an outie and not an innie lol
Happy or moody: Happy! And even happier the end of this pregnancy is near!
Looking forward to: CHRISTMAS!!!! I have a two year old who gets Santa and loves presents, the tree, lights and loves to bake with me. I know that's not what the holiday is all about but it sure is fun seeing it through a toddlers eyes! I can't wait for Christmas morning!!!
Also, my mom, brother, sister in law and nephew will be here with us as well - which adds to the fun of it!
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