Pre-Halloween Fun!

So far every year I have been able to take Landon to this great Trick or Treating event that the local mom's group I belong to puts on. Last year Landon didn't really understand what was going on, he was just happy to run around with his friends. This year, although he acted unusually shy, he seemed to have more fun going to trick or treat at the local stores that were participating. Nevertheless it was a great opportunity to dress him up and take some pictures just like I have the years before. Crazy to think this will be his third Halloween!!

Third Trimester!

Hello Third Trimester!

Still can't believe how fast the time is flying. When I was pregnant with Landon it seemed like the third trimester went by the fastest until I hit 35/36 weeks then time stood still! Things have been crazy busy here here the last few days. Landon is officially in a toddler bed as he mastered the art of jumping out of his crib. We are two days in and each day is getting easier so hopefully by the end of the weekend it will be the new normal... this mama needs her sleep (pardon the dark circle and bags under my eyes). There are a lot of fun things ahead this week... pumpkin activities, trick or treating, watching the World Series (GO GIANTS!!!!) and my mom is coming into town to spend some time with us! I am so excited to start working on the nursery and other fun projects for baby girl!!

How far along? 28 Weeks

Weight gain: 12 lbs

Sleep: Not the last couple of nights :(

Maternity clothes: Yeah, yep and yes.

Best moment this week: Seeing baby girl via 4D ultrasound! I LOVE seeing her!!!

Movement: Like crazy!!!

Food cravings: Not really, but I've been really hungry lately.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope

Labor signs: Nope

Stretch Marks? Not a one. Belly butter, balm and lotion at least once a day!

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Happy or Moody? I'm happy. I feel good and am enjoying the last couple of months with my little guy being the only child.

Looking forward to: Watching the World Series, having friends over and visiting with my mom :)

27 Weeks

I can not believe next week I will officially be in my third trimester?! The time continues to fly! 
We are just about settled into our new house. Still have some decorating to do but I feel for the most part the house looks put together and things are organized. This week I am going to start working on Baby Girl's nursery. Still not sure what I am going to do but have a couple of cute ideas :) I can't wait until it's complete but if it's anything like Landon's it won't be completely done until after she gets here.
Fall is definitely in the air! It has been a lot cooler and we've even made our first trip to the pumpkin patch. I still have so many things I want to do with my little guy before Little Miss arrives!

How far along? 27 Weeks

Weight gain: 10 lbs

Sleep: Sleep comes and goes. She is still very active and likes to dance on my bladder so I usually get up at least once to pee. 

Maternity clothes: I still manage to find tops with some stretch in them but for the most part I am in maternity clothes. 

Best moment this week: Giants won last night!!! We're going to the World Series!!!

Miss anything: Life with out heart burn or restless leg syndrome... whyyyyy????

Movement: Still very, very active!

Food cravings: Peaches and Hot Chocolate with TONS of marshmallows!

Anything making you queasy or sick? I had food poisoning the night before last (miserable, miserable night) but other than that I've been feeling great... minus the heart burn :(

Gender: PINK!

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button in or out? Still and innie...

Happy or moody: Pretty happy! I'm really excited to get started on some fun projects :)

Looking forward too: Working on the nursery, picking out colors and spending time with my little dude. This is absolutely my favorite time of year! 

Catching up at 25 Weeks!

I'm back!!! So much has happened since I last posted four weeks ago! Needless to say I have been beyond busy and things have been crazy with our little family! Everyone is doing very well but so many changes! We just moved, like literally have been in our new house for a week and a day. It's coming together but there is still so much unpacking and organizing that needs to be done! There are days that I feel like I have all the time in the world and there are days where I am so overwhelmed I don't know where to begin. Slowly but surely it will all get done!

How far along? 25 Weeks

Weight gain? 8 lbs

Sleep: Last night was the first night, in a really long time, that I actually felt like I got a good night of sleep. I'm getting up to use the bathroom but have been able to fall back asleep fairly easily.

Maternity clothes: Still mixing it up... with the warm weather I have been wearing a lot of low cut shorts and loose fitting tops. But I'm definitely not fitting in to my skinny jeans anymore.

Best moment this week: This is going to sound ridiculous... but I got to go out and buy a new washer and dryer (after not having one for the last week) and doing laundry this morning has been awesome! I would have never thought a washer and dryer would make me so happy!

Miss anything: Of course the wine, beer, cocktails, flat tummy, sushi, ect, ect.

Movements: Yep, she doesn't sleep... ever!

Food cravings: Arnold Palmers! And anything really spicy minus the crazy heartburn that goes along with it :(

Anything making you queasy or sick? Aside from being exhausted from the move I am feeling great!

Gender: Baby girl confirmed at our 20 week scan :)

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button in or out: Still an innie but almost flat.

Happy or Moody: I have been all over the place lately... the smallest things can set me off :/ my poor husband!! But overall I'm happy :)

Looking forward to: Getting the new house together, starting baby girl's nursery and partaking in all in the fun fall festivities with my sweet boys.