Holy heck where is the time going?? I can not believe this baby girl is nine months already! I honestly feel like is was a couple weeks ago I was waiting for her arrival. I can't believe how much she's changed lately and everything she's learning. She now waves, to everyone. She is very curious and inquisitive. She laughs easily and cry's like a full on drama audition if you take something away from her that she wasn't done with yet. She loves being with with people but I would describe her as in dependent as she is very good playing by herself for a good stretch of time. She has slept through the night for a long time now. Usually going to bed at 7pm and waking up around 7am. She has two teeth, the bottom ones. She army crawls like a champ and gets around very well doing that. She has a couple of walking toys that she loves and makes her way around the house with. She laughs at the dogs, loves hugs and sunshine and I couldn't be happier she's mine!
I guess I better start planning that First Birthday of hers! :)
I took this pic of O a few days ago and its quickly became one of my favorites!
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